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Home / Events / Cruise to Bo'ness (EuRoBo Tickets Available)
Home / Events / Cruise to Bo'ness (EuRoBo Tickets Available)

Cruise to Bo'ness (EuRoBo Tickets Available)

21st July 2024, 12:30pm - 6:30pm

If you want to be sure of your place on the next club cruise to Bo'ness you can make a booking to go on EuRoBo.  The EuRoBo crew will meet in the club house at 12:30.  As you can see from the message below, going along side at Bo'ness is quite different from mooring on a pontoon at Port Edgar, so if you are curious to find out how a yacht ties up against a harbour wall, rafts up beside other yachts, or find out what a fender board is, this is a perfect trip to go on to find out.     

Message from the Cruising google group : 

We are heading to the old Boness harbour to raft up. It is about 10nm from Port Edgar. 

On 21/7 HW Grangemouth is 15.55 with height of tide at 5.4m. 

Suggest we need at least 4.5m of tide. By my calculations we would be ok from about 14.45 and we need to be away by 17.00. Skippers are encouraged to do their own calculations, based on their boat draft. Fender board advised.

More details on approach and entry in the East of Scotland sailing directions (pg.71)

PEYC have visited this harbour before, and it gets progressively silted the further you go in. For that reason, we will raft on the inside end of the east pier. 

Suggest departure time from Port Edgar is around 12.30 with a return late afternoon. Bring sandwiches and drinks - there are no clubhouse facilities available.

Last updated 11:31am on 16 March 2025

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