Rib Crew
We run a busy dinghy race programme throughout the year, supported by our RIB, a 5m Brig with a 60HP engine. We also have an older 5.4m Avon Searider primarily used on open events or a spare RIB when the Brig is being maintained.
There is a team of RIB volunteers who offer their services to help run this and volunteer either via the RIB group email or by accessing the web rota system. We normally aim to have two people in the boat whenever it goes out on duty.
All drivers and crew should have an RYA PB2 certificate or equivalent and we do try to arrange some sessions each year to practice the recovery techniques cherry picked from the Rescue Boat course.
Anyone volunteering to join the team will first go out for a RIB familarisation session, then can volunteer to join one of the old hands to see how it works on the water for their first few duties.
Contact peycdinghy@gmail.com for a chat about volunteering for the RIB.

Last updated 5:21pm on 2 February 2025